Stuff to listen to

Here's a funky track from Brazilian recording artist Tim Maia. I heard it playing in the film 'Manda Bala (Send a Bullet)'- a documentary which ties together aspects of corruption, plastic surgery and rampant kidnappings in Brasil.

Tim Maia- Nobody Can Live Forever

King Curtis' 'Memphis Soul Stew' has always been a favourite of mine:

King Curtis- Memphis Soul Stew

Berliners '17 Hippies' have released a number of eclectic folk albums; this song being one of the more accessible tracks for the north american audience:

17 Hippies- Just Like You

Here's the single off of Lou Reed and John Cale's 'Songs for Drella', a tribute album to their late mentor and friend, Andy Warhol.

Lou Reed and John Cale- Nobody but you

Get yourself the 'Foxytunes' Plugin if you don't already have it; it will allow you to click play on any audio file without browsing away from the content page.

Wim Delvoye on the Web

Belgian artist Wim Delvoye, known for his 'art farms' (at which pigs are pampered and then tattooed), his 'Cloaca' machine (an artificial digestive tract of sorts-complete with an output of fecal matter) and many other thought-provoking and elaborate creations, has always piqued my curiousity.

Recently, I stumbled across his revamped website and was amused to find an alternative approach to site design. His webspace is modeled on an interactive cityscape (recalling the early days of Sim City or other such games) with each of his various endeavours accessible by clicking the appropriate building.

I'm particularly impressed by his intricately sculpted gothic machinery.

Sebastião Salgado

Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado has produced an impressive portfolio of powerful images during the span of his 36 year career as a professional.

Having worked for the likes of Magnum Photos and other prominent agencies, Salgado has established his own agency-Amazonas Images, which serves as a base of production for his work exclusively.

His photographs are almost exclusively printed in black and white (from what I've seen) and tend to focus on the human condition and social movements. Salgado has often collaborated in support of organizations such as the World Health Organization, UNICEF, Medecins Sans Frontières and Amnesty International.

Copyright 2009
